Carla Royal Coaching & Consulting

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Showing Up Imperfectly

Your Failures Could Be Your Superpower

We live in a culture that would have us deny our mistakes and failures. We live in a culture that has us constantly striving for perfection. It’s exhausting because it’s impossible. When we deny our imperfections, we suffer, we disconnect from ourselves, and we disconnect from others. We are all broken in some way or another, not fundamentally, but we all have cracks. We’ve all made mistakes and experienced failures. It’s how we recognize one another. When we withhold our brokenness from each other, we aren’t able to connect deeply and honestly. We miss out on all that life has to offer us. In todays, video, I invite you to reconnect with yourself more deeply, more honestly. I invite you to accept yourself in all your messy, imperfect glory. As you do so, you will have a much deeper and richer connection to life and to others. It takes courage but I know you’re up for that. There is so much on offer that is available to us as we embrace all of who we were.


Listen to Episode 9 today called HOW TO SHOW UP WHEN FEELING BAD. I believe you will enjoy it and find some real gems that can help you to get more rest and experience more ease and flow.

You can find the podcast here on my site or on the major podcast platforms. Here’s a link to our podcast on Apple.